Many organisations face significant challenges when it comes to storing, managing and accessing company information and content. ECM can solve these challenges.
Challenge :
A number of paper documents comprising a mixture of documents of different types slow down the work efficiency.
Solution :
Digital documents are centrally managed so that the relevant information can be readily retrieved as required by persons needing it.
Challenge :
The Loss of paper documents resulting in missed information and failure to process data.
Solution :
Digitization prevents lost paper documents and an alert function reduces the frequency of failures in conducting documentation work and processing.
Challenge :
Physical document exchanges accompanying the processes of circulation and approval are made complicated.
Solution :
Predefining a workflow best suited to each company's approval process will preclude complicated exchanges of documents, thereby achieving more rapid document circulation and approval activities.
Challenge :
Concerned about security and data protection.
Solution :
Improving security by utilizing the ECM to set access rights for specific employees as well as record a log of who accessed the information and when.
ECM integrates seamlessly with existing core business systems to manage the flow of documents and information used, ensuring the challenges specific to the industry and department are solved.
Improving the speed of various manual processes in the financial industry which depend on paper documents, from loan composition systems to payment processing, by digitization and automation.
Integrating seamlessly with medical information system, realizing a fast and reliable information sharing such as electronic medical records among medical staff without problem.
Improved administration services, and waste-less workflows can be attained by the digitization of various paper documents used by government organizations and integrating this with the core application used by every department and organization.
Promoting the efficiency of sales activity by digitally storing customer information, proposals, contracts, etc. in the latest and complete state and sharing it among designated employees.
Increasing the efficiency of the procurement operation by automatic storage and management of various data related to purchasing, such as price information and final contract in addition to the latest details of each supplier, in individual files per supplier.
Improving processing speed by simplifying the management of employee information. Documents can be found easily and retrieved in minutes by HR staff who have been given access authority.
Along with digitization of contract documents and managed access control, contract management can be further improved by implementing optimized contract management which will prevent contracts expiring through the use of an alert function.
Exclusion of paper documents by digitization of invoices and the implementation of optimized workflows helps to accelerate processing and approvals between many departments.