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Kyocera Group CSR Guidelines
CSR Activity Policy
As member of Kyocera Group, under the management rationale, "To provide opportunities for the material and intellectual growth of all our employees, and through our joint efforts, contribute to the advancement of society and humankind", we conduct business based on the Kyocera Philosophy. The principle of Kyocera Philosophy is "Do the right thing as a human being" as the basis of its decision-making criterion. The Kyocera Philosophy is also the basis for our CSR activities. We endeavor to contribute to the healthy development of society as well as to work on the solution of CSR issues, build mutual trust with stakeholders and achieve Kyocera Group's continuous development through the practice of the Kyocera Philosophy.
● Conceptual Diagram of CSR
Participation in International Initiatives
We have joined the following international initiatives and promoted sustainable activities.

UNGC (United Nations Global Compact)
Kyocera Group has been participating in the United Nations Global Compact since 2011. The Global Compact consists of four areas and ten principles: human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. Kyocera Group will contribute to the sustainable development of society by faithfully practicing these ten principles.
RBA (Responsible Business Alliance)
We have joined the RBA since December 2021. RBA consists of approximately 190 companies including the world's electronics manufacturers and the leading suppliers, and aims at an improvement of sustainability in the area of environment, safety, ethics, and management systems in global supply chains.

SBTi(Science Based Targets initiative)
Kyocera Group has obtained SBT (Science Based Targets) certification from the SBT Initiative, an international environmental organization. We received SBT certification for Scope 1,2 and Scope 1,2,3 targets of 2°C level in 2019 and 1.5°C level target in 2022.
Home > Sustainability > KYOCERA Document Solutions' CSR > Kyocera Group CSR Guidelines