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Measures to Fight Climate Change

The Financial Stability Board's Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) asks all companies to assess climate-related risks and opportunities using climate change scenarios and disclose them in their business strategies and risk management. The Kyocera Group endorses the TCFD recommendations and has established a governance system that implements risk management and business strategies and sets metrics and targets as part of efforts to promote these initiatives.
The Kyocera Group also recognizes climate change mitigation as an important issue, and in 2018, the Kyocera Group sets a long-term environmental goal of achieving a 2°C level. In 2021, the Kyocera Group updated its long-term environmental goal to a 1.5°C level and aim to reduce Scope 1, 2, 3 emissions by 46% compared to FY 2020 levels by FY 2031, with the ultimate goal of achieving carbon neutrality by FY 2051.
To achieve its long-term environmental goal, the Kyocera Group actively implements renewable energy and energy-saving measures at each of its locations. The Kyocera Group is committed to various measures to prevent global warming.

CO2 emissions in Scope 1,2 for the whole group in the FY 2023

CO2 emissions in Scope 1,2 [t-CO2]
Production site 19,983*1
Non-production site 20,257
Total for the group 40,240

*1  For the production sites outside Japan, the introduction of environmental value certificates has led to a reduction of 33,234 [t-CO2]

Environmental Performance for FY 2023 at the ISO 14001 Integrated Certification Sites

Based on our environmental policy, we set annual targets and are committed to environmental management.

Goal for FY 2023 Scope of coverage*2 Achievement for FY 2023

Reduce CO2 emissions (Scope 1,2) to below 53,045 [t-CO2]

#1 19,983

Environmental Goals for FY 2024 at the ISO 14001 Integrated Certification Sites

Goal for FY 2024 Scope of coverage*2
Reduce CO2 emissions (Scope 1,2) at production sites to below 50,871 [t-CO2] #1
Reduce CO2 emissions (Scope 1,2) at non-production sites to below 2,966 [t-CO2] #2

*2  Scope of coverage:
#1 Hirakata Plant, Tamaki Plant, China Plant, Vietnam Plant
#2 Global Headquarters, KYOCERA Document Solutions Japan Osaka Headquarters


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