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Corporate Governance
Basic Views on Corporate Governance
The Kyocera Group’s values and corporate governance are entrenched in our corporate motto which is "Respect the Divine and Love People" as well as our management rationale "To provide opportunities for the material and intellectual growth of all our employees, and through our joint efforts, contribute to the advancement of society and humankind." The Kyocera Group always strives to maintain equity and fairness and we face all situations with courage and conscience. The Kyocera Group will realize our management rationale through achieving sustainable growth and raising medium- to long-term corporate value. In doing so, the Kyocera Group shall build systems to undertake fair and efficient corporate management while maintaining the soundness and transparency of management upon taking into consideration the standpoints of all stakeholders.
Additionally, the Kyocera Group shall permeate the "Kyocera Philosophy," a corporate philosophy that is the basis of the management policy of the Kyocera Group, in all Executives and employees in the Kyocera Group, and foster a sound corporate culture.
The Kyocera Document Solutions Group shall establish proper corporate governance by building the above-mentioned systems and implementing the "Kyocera Philosophy." Furthermore, the Kyocera Document Solutions Group will constantly seek the ideal system for corporate governance and will always evolve and develop its existing corporate governance system.
1. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of our company are the governing body who are responsible for overseeing the decision-making and execution of important matters throughout the Kyocera Document Solutions Group, ensuring compliance with laws and the Articles of Incorporation. Directors, who possess excellent "character," "ability," and "judgment" in understanding the Kyocera Document Solutions Group and contributing to its management, are proposed to the shareholders' meeting for approval.
2. Auditors
As a corporate governance organization, the Board of Directors establishes the auditors, which are responsible for auditing the execution of the directors' duties.
The auditors have a system in place to conduct audits across various aspects of corporate activities from diverse perspectives as part of the Kyocera Group, while accurately grasping internal information.
Each director responds to requests for reports from the auditors and immediately reports to the auditors if they discover any facts or potential violations of laws, articles of incorporation, or significant damage to our group. They also fulfill requests from the auditors, such as attending important meetings and providing access to minutes and contracts, to ensure effective progress of the audits.
3. Kyocera Document Solutions Group Management Committee
We have established the Kyocera Document Solutions Group Management Committee, which consists of the Representative Director President, directors (including those in charge of Kyocera Document Solutions and Kyocera Solutions), executive officers nominated by the chairman, and department heads. This committee meets regularly on a monthly basis. The committee conducts deliberations on important matters related to the overall business execution of the Kyocera Document Solutions Group, ensuring the appropriateness of operations and maintaining the efficiency of management.
4. Kyocera Document Solutions Philosophy Committee
To promote and disseminate the corporate philosophy of "Kyocera Philosophy," which is based on a universal criterion of what is right as human beings, we have established the Kyocera Document Solutions Philosophy Committee. This committee is responsible for formulating the philosophy education policy for the entire Kyocera Document Solutions Group and deliberating and deciding on measures to enhance understanding and practice of the philosophy.
5. Risk Management Committee
We have established a Risk Management Committee as part of the risk management framework of the Kyocera Document Solutions Group. This committee is responsible for making decisions on various policies related to risk management within the Kyocera Document Solutions Group and identifying corporate risks that the group should address collectively.
Home > Sustainability > Governance > Corporate Governance