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Together with Employees
At the China Plant our employees are taking initiatives on occupational safety and disaster management to keep their workplace safe and accident-free. The plant also organizes various recreational activities to facilitate interactions among employees.
Occupational Safety and Health
With the aim of creating a safe and pleasant work environment, we have designated October as Safety Enhancement Month and each year implement various initiatives, such as conducting intensive workplace safety inspections to raise safety awareness among all employees and soliciting poster designs from employees that remind everyone to keep their eyes off their cell phones while walking. We also teach a lesson on pedestrian etiquette to be used while walking around the premises every April and hold hazard prediction training in May to prevent work-related accidents.
Safe Production Standardization
We were awarded a class 3 certification for safe production standardization by the Dongguan Safe Production Supervision Bureau in 2014. This certification is given to companies based on an assessment of their maintenance and operation of management systems as well as the safety of their equipment and facilities. The certification has helped clarify what positions and departments are responsible for safety in production at the plant and increased all employees' awareness about safe production, effectively reducing the occurrence of accidents. We will continue to improve our management system and make our work environment even safer and more worker-friendly with the aim of keeping our plant free of work-related accidents.
Managing Workplace Health
We have set up an infirmary in the plant for the purpose of protecting the health of employees. The infirmary is staffed by qualified full-time nurses as well as a medical doctor who is available during predetermined hours every day. On top of that, regular medical checkups are conducted once a year for all employees who have worked at the plant for at least one year.
First Aid Training
In December 2020, seventy-seven managers and supervisors selected from all departments participated in emergency first aid training to acquire basic first aid knowledge and skills.
Disaster Management
Every year, we conduct fire evacuation and early-stage firefighting drills to prepare ourselves for the possible outbreak of a fire. Nighttime fire evacuation drills are conducted for employees who work night shifts to enhance their ability to respond to possible fire scenarios and ensure safety.
Employee Education
We regularly provide employees with educational courses according to their job levels, including training on the Kyocera Philosophy, new employee training, and manager training. We also actively incorporate specialized training and other programs to effectively improve the abilities of employees and keep them motivated. Working with a local educational institution, we started a higher education course for employees in order to help them improve their knowledge and expertise. Those who participated in the course use the knowledge and skills they have acquired to realize their full potential.
Employee Welfare
We work with the labor union to plan and host various events. Recreational activities help improve camaraderie among employees and enhance organizational strength.
Operation of In-House Daycare Facility
As part of our efforts to create a more employee-friendly environment for those with children, we collaborate with the labor union to operate an in-house daycare facility called "Doraku-en," where employees' children are cared for. Additionally, during the summer vacation period, we established the "Kyocera Summer Class" to temporarily look after children. In FY 2022, this service was utilized by 53 children of our employees.
Home > Sustainability > China Plant > Together with Employees